Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I have to say...

That I have put my foot and half my leg in my mouth too many times lately, it's starting to make me think three times before ever speaking. Needless to say, I am doing A LOT, and I mean A LOT of apologizing for it. I hope to do better in the near future, if that helps any of you folks out there. And if there is someone who is still awaiting an apology, please let me know, my memory is terrible and I may have temporarily neglected to remember.

I've been given an assignment, one I am finding quite a bit of joy in. Well, Nicki would say I've been complaining, but it's only slow computers that have caused the challenges. And fleas. But we won't go there.

Anyway, my task is to organize photos of my sweet little friend Savannah. Her mom wants two separate slideshows, set to music. One is to display pictures of her from their 2 Disney trips (both made as follow ups to her cancer treatments), another is pictures of her as she grew up.

This has afforded me a chance to look at the entire slew of pictures Melissa has of her children's childhoods.

Now I will remind you, she is a professional photographer.

And she has CUTE kids!!

The photos are amazing. My favorite part of the project, so far, has been seeing the spunk! This child (Savannah), has been able to make a crooked smile since infancy, not always, but when she wants to. And boy, when she does, she sparkles!

Wouldn't you agree?


Stinson Family said...

Yes, I would have to agree. She is a very beautiful child!

Nicki said...

Savannah is definately adorable. I know the sorting is a BIG project, but I can't think of anyone more appropriate for the task. Enjoy the pics.

Memories by Melissa Photography said...

We she is adorable if I do say so myself! Thank you so much for doing this for us.