Monday, May 11, 2009

A rose by any other name...

Bill wants to open the blog up for name ideas. I will be switching back to allowing anonymous comments for it, since a lot of you read blogs but don't write them.

Be aware, if the meany who said nasty things in the past comments something rude it won't be approved, so don't bother.

I have an idea for a name in mind, but Bill is excited to hear what you all will suggest! Please bear in mind, I will be checking the meanings of all the names, as that is very important to me!! And as a small disclaimer, I get to name this baby, Bill named Brian and Zachary (we make sure the other one doesn't hate the name, of course) and I named Dustin and Michael, so it's totally my turn. Therefore, don't be bummin' if I don't use your idea!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Big Day

Will we go pink?

Or will we stay blue?

Pink can be pretty. Yes?

But blue can be nice and shiny, too.

Will we need to learn to accessorize?

Or just keep playing trucks?

Of course, two would mean the potential for pink and blue!

Ahh, well, I can't hold back any longer.
My baby has five little toes on each foot!
And a beautiful profile, don't you agree?
and my baby is...
And me? I feel, well, relieved actually. I didn't expect to, I really could have gone either way. Perhaps the relief has more to do with the baby having all the right parts in the right places, lungs, kidneys, heart, stomach, etc.
I hold to the fact that boy or girl is indifferent, healthy is what I really want. And I got it!!

I need to slow down...

I wake up every morning feeling tired enough to go back to bed. I'm thinking about calling to postpone my doc appointment and ultrasound so I can get extra sleep.

Oh, I kid! I'm beat, but the suspense is killing me too!!

I managed to get through Monday on a sugar high... the nurse called at 8 am and told me I passed the glucose test! WOO HOO!! I beat the lousy system!
Saturday we had double header of baseball, and the game before ran late, so we were there awhile. I got a sunburn, which was nice! Bill baked apple pie for the birthday boy Saturday night, and decided we need nighttime fire drills. The pies ran over and burned on. He let a puff of smoke out of the oven when he took them out, and all the detectors went off!! But NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE budged. He told us in the morning, and we were all, huh, never heard it.

Dustin turned 13 Sunday, which deserves a post with pictures, but right now I just don't have time to upload anything to blogger. I do have pictures though. Monday night I ordered his Lego NXT for him (he almost had enough with this years birthday money added to the year of cash he has been saving) so he's thrilled. On the teenager note, I asked the school secretary to have him call me when it was between classes. He did, and I was explaining to him I wouldn't be home after school and why. He interrupts me, and says, "Mom?" "What?" "I'm missing gym class."


Sunday we skipped church (2nd week in a row, not good) for the fireman's family breakfast. VERY yummy, and excellent service i must say. The officers on the dept cook and serve, you just sit down and great food keeps showing up!

We found the kitchen counters Sunday afternoon, no small feat for those of you who have been in my house! They still look good, but in the process of cleaning this weekend I lost my laptop cord. VERY BAD. Of course, Bill (aka Daddy Finder of All Things Temporarily Misplaced) found it Monday night, in the couch cushions. Sigh.

I drove 142 miles for work Monday. Then after supper we helped a couple from Texas move into Wilton. They were great. I tagged along because with no nap, I thought Z would fall apart, and he insisted he was going. But he didn't, so we were out late. Then I worked Tuesday, starting with a meeting in Rumford, and after an afternoon nap and supper we went back to unload the rest of the U-Haul into a storage unit. Again, I went along to keep the kids out from underfoot, sure I could leave after a short time. We left at 815, which was still earlier than Daddy. They are such nice people though, I'm just glad they had the help.

So now, I blog. It's just the rundown of where I've been, but now you know. I'm bringing the laptop. I may be able to blog more there. But for now, back to bed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Brace yourselves...

It's going to be one heck of a weekend.

I need to try to get to Walmart tonight in Farmington to pick up my Rx refills. While I'm there, if I get to go alone, I may get my hair shaved off cut. Please tell me it looks nice tomorrow, even if you live thousands of miles away and don't know what it looks like/looked like before.

Then, I am getting up at 6 am tomorrow to drive to Lewiston (45 min) and take a 3 hour sugar test that I absolutely refuse to fail. R.E.F.U.S.E. I intend to exercise in between drinks in order to boost my body's insulin production. I will also be fasting (both reasons why I will crawl out of bed that early to do it) which means unless you want to tell me my hair is fabulous you should avoid me tomorrow. Pregnant woman + messed up eating schedule = G.R.O.U.C.H.

I also need to purchase a gift for a certain young man who will be (gulp) 13 on Sunday.

My husband expects to be building a barn on Saturday morning, and as much through the day as he can manage.

Probably straight from Lewiston I will be going to Michael's first baseball game in Brettuns at noon. Unless of course I have to drive past it to pick him up so he can attend it, I really don't care to watch the team without him there. It will be followed by Brian's first baseball game, conveniently at Brettuns. On the plus side, they have a port a potty. On the even plusser side there's a little variety store just up the road with excellent, FLUSHING facilities. Then it will be time to bake a cake in preparation for the birthday festivities.

Hard to tell who's going to cook supper, might go for pizza.

And that folks, covers my day off!

Sunday of course will be filled with church until 1, followed directly by a nap, and then a birthday supper of Italian Casserole followed by a birthday party for the aforementioned 13 year old. He just announced he wants an apple pie. Hmmm. We've never not had cake in this family, I'll have to consult the apple pie maker (Bill). That could get me seriously off the hook though!

Relaxing, refreshing weekend, no?

And next weekend, I work 8 hours for Melissa on Saturday! Woo HOO!