Friday, October 12, 2007

Thank Goodness It's Friday...

Wow. I mean really... wow. It's been an emotional and high stress week here in our tiny little house. Donovan and Kiara are just about angels, but Zachary is bound and determined to pick a fight or twenty. He's not used to a kid arguing back, when he wants to argue with his brothers over who likes apples, his brothers all roll their eyes and say whatever.

Christine Harrington was my lifesaver yesterday. She teaches Kiara's kindergarten class at Cishing school in Wilton. I was pretty upset first thing in the morning, there was a complication with Savannah at the hospital in the night, and I hadn't heard the result. I about convinced myself she was gone I was so upset, but Christine calmed me down. Donovan had been missing Kiara the day before when she was at school, so we decided to spend some time in the classroom. I got to be useful, though, because a student shoved a bead into his nose, and rather than ask for help he started to sniffle. Well by the time Miss Harrington knew it wasn't a runny nose, that bead required the assistance of a doctor. So I read the class a story about pumpkins, while she took him to the office.It was cool, I love reading stories, and have often thought I want to volunteer at the school to do so when Zachary attends all day.

Zachary and Donovan both enjoyed the glimpse into Kindergarten THOROUGHLY, they even painted paper pumpkins orange!! We left before the field trip to the fire station, though. I'm sure they would have liked it, but it was more than I wanted to do. Of course, the best part of seeing Christine was that she HAD talked to Melissa later in the night, after the complication had been resolved, and knew that things were ok. But she humored me, and we also called from the school so I could hear for myself (I'd left my cell phone at home).

Today went better. Well, the morning was still challenging, I should have prepared better. I was told we were out of

Now, MOST of my children prefer this flavor. It's a stretch for me to think of it as appropriate for a daily breakfast, but the price is right, they don't go bad, and they can serve themselves. The only flaw are the crumbs in the living room, but if I were more diligent they wouldn't eat in the living room.

That said, we do still have an abundance of these:

We have these because Brian, my fussy eater who when he was five would only ever eat the other, now wants these. Unfortunately most of the other children under my roof right now don't like them. Well, they don't like them to eat, they are great for taking a bite out of, and then leaving on the floor so I can step on them barefoot and have strawberry goo on my foot. It was a joyous morning. We went here:

and then we took them to Nicki's house. And THEN I brough the boys to school (Christine came to pick up Kiara earlier), went home to swap laundry and bring some to Nicki's, took a shower, drank the perfect temperature cocoa I had bought, went back to Nicki's where no one was arguing, and felt like I might be able to relax.

And I did. Janice Bachelder came over for awhile, and Nicki's mom, Sheila Hamlin came for awhile. And things were all good. Of course, then I made a trip to here...

I can now explain the delay for posting this. It's not Friday anymore, but I spent so much time looking for a picture of Walmart to post, I didn't have time to finish. But we went to Walmart, and picked up a senior picture Melissa needed brought to Mt. Blue for a yearbook photo. Then we brought it to Mt. Blue. Then I went home, and collapsed, until it was time to attend a meeting at church. And that I will post about another time.

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