As I walk through the house for a dry shirt, having bathed Z and gotten wet...
Michael: Mom, which takes longer, a long shower or a bath?
Mom: I don't know, which?
Michael: A long shower, 'cuz you waste water while you're washing.
5 seconds pass, I'm now in my room changing...
Michael: Mom, do you know where the scotch tape is?
Mom: No, why?
Michael: Aww, 'cuz I want to put it around my fingers and climb the walls.
Yeah, he's 7 alright.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Atlanta, part 4
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The link for the "carnival" I mentioned...
I thought there would be a linky thing to put up, but apparently the illness that struck her kept it from appearing. If you want to read other women's stories of their faith, they can be found at the above link.
I thought there would be a linky thing to put up, but apparently the illness that struck her kept it from appearing. If you want to read other women's stories of their faith, they can be found at the above link.
Monday, April 28, 2008
My Conversion Story
There's a woman named Dee whose blog I read faithfully, because she is extremely funny. She is also someone who believes in God, although her love of a morning coffee suggests she is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I am.
Have been since I was 16. A strange time to join a religion? Maybe, but I wished I had done it at 15. Anyway, she is encouraging her readers to link to her blog with their individual testimonies. It is uncommon for her to do anything "preachy" on her blog, but she was asked to do it, and thought she could turn it into a big 'ol party!
So, here's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
My dad was raised Catholic, my mom attended a Baptist Youth group, though I'm not sure she was ever baptized in their faith. By the time I was born neither was attending any church. My friend in elementary school attended several different churches with her parents over the course of our friendship, and she would every once in a while invite me to go. And I went, to see what it was like. I often felt very out of place, and was never really interested in going back to any of them.
When I moved to Livermore, I was invited by a guy to go out and play mini-golf. Little did I know, it would be in the gym of his church, and all the mini-golf things would be boy scout projects.
I will never forget walking in the doors. It felt incredibly comfortable, like I'd been there forever, not that I had even known it existed the day before.
When I shared this sentiment, I was invited to numerous other Wednesday evening youth activities. My parents were divorced, and my dad seemed to think it was good that if I was dating it was at a church, and my mom seemed to be happy that I had found anything that made me happy. I met with the missionaries, who, over the course of several weeks taught me the ins and outs of the "Mormon" faith. I was asked several times to offer an opinion on what was being taught, to share how I felt. I would usually answer, "Yeah, that makes sense, I guess," or, "I don't know."
Very unlike me. But what I remember the most, was thinking, "This all looks good on paper, if there is a God. IF there is a God, I think this is what He would do, and what He would be like." He would have sent his son, Jesus Christ, to atone for my sins, make families a priority, there would be prophets on the earth, and a way to redeem those who will never hear the words "Jesus Christ" in their days on this planet. But I wasn't sure there was really a God.
I tried reading the Book of Mormon, but I read it with the attitude of a scholar, trying to keep track of where in Jerusalem everybody was and who they were related to. I became very confused, very quickly, and not liking that it didn't come naturally to me (books had always been
easy to me) I gave it up. For a long time.
When I tried to pray, I had such a hard time not feeling silly, that I got out a 5x7 depiction of the Savior, and would talk to it! I asked several times for an assurance, but I don't think I really expected one, and it didn't come. From January... to August. I went to church every week, just about, with people I hadn't known who came and gave me a ride. My step-mother couldn't understand why I had to go all the way to Farmington, when there were perfectly good churches just up the road!
Finally, I went to youth conference in August. A weekend event, with faith-building games, dances, lessons, and best of all fellowshipping with people who held the same standards. It was there that I learned the Electric Slide!
One talk was given, based on the Nike sneaker's "new" motto: Just Do It. I was struck in the heart, a feeling again that I will never forget. I knew if there was a God, He would want me to be baptized into this church. If there wasn't, then it could do no harm. I needed to take a step into the dark room, and put my faith in Him. So I did.
I was baptized September 18, 1993. Of course, the story doesn't end there. I went to early morning seminary my senior year, and in the summer after graduation all my friends had moved away. When I went off to college an hour from home, the ward down there was a foreign land, and I didn't go. I sank into a deep despair, quite deep for a just turned 18 year old girl. Then, one morning as I stepped out of my apartment, I glanced up the street in the opposite direction of my classes. There were 2 men in white shirts and dress pants walking away from me, not an odd thing on a weekday morning in the downtown of a city, surrounded by banks and businesses. But I knew who they were.
"Hey Elders!" I called out, and sure enough, they turned to look. And they had the name tags I knew to mean they were indeed full time proselyting missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They came over and spoke to me, and invited me to institute (a weekly scripture study group for college age adults). At institute I met other members, and was secured a ride to church. A few short months later, I knew I was not where I belonged, I moved home to my mom's, attended my home ward, and saw a young man I had known before in a whole new light. We started to spend time together, though it was months before we would admit we were dating. We made a mistake, that turned out to be the best mistake of my life. We were married, and after a couple of years we were sealed as a family in the temple for time and all of eternity.
Marriage is not easy. Through the babies, the miscarriages, renting, buying a house, paying the bills, I've needed my faith. In this day and age, trying to cope with horrific things like school shootings, snipers in DC, drugs on the Main St of our little town of 5,000, it takes my faith to get me out of bed in the morning to try to make a difference. My dad once told me church was just a crutch, not something he needed. I've thought about that a lot through the years, and a crutch can come in very handy when you have a broken leg. The world as it is will break our hearts. It's meant to, the Plan of Salvation requires it. But when our heart is broken, and our Spirit contrite, we are able to let God into our hearts, and when that occurs, AMAZING things can happen. I once heard a beautiful poem, where the man invites the carpenter in to fix a few things. The carpenter hammers and bangs, knocks walls around and makes holes in places. When the man complains, the carpenter replies, "What you had was just a house, I am making you a mansion."
I am.
Have been since I was 16. A strange time to join a religion? Maybe, but I wished I had done it at 15. Anyway, she is encouraging her readers to link to her blog with their individual testimonies. It is uncommon for her to do anything "preachy" on her blog, but she was asked to do it, and thought she could turn it into a big 'ol party!
So, here's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
My dad was raised Catholic, my mom attended a Baptist Youth group, though I'm not sure she was ever baptized in their faith. By the time I was born neither was attending any church. My friend in elementary school attended several different churches with her parents over the course of our friendship, and she would every once in a while invite me to go. And I went, to see what it was like. I often felt very out of place, and was never really interested in going back to any of them.
When I moved to Livermore, I was invited by a guy to go out and play mini-golf. Little did I know, it would be in the gym of his church, and all the mini-golf things would be boy scout projects.
I will never forget walking in the doors. It felt incredibly comfortable, like I'd been there forever, not that I had even known it existed the day before.
When I shared this sentiment, I was invited to numerous other Wednesday evening youth activities. My parents were divorced, and my dad seemed to think it was good that if I was dating it was at a church, and my mom seemed to be happy that I had found anything that made me happy. I met with the missionaries, who, over the course of several weeks taught me the ins and outs of the "Mormon" faith. I was asked several times to offer an opinion on what was being taught, to share how I felt. I would usually answer, "Yeah, that makes sense, I guess," or, "I don't know."
Very unlike me. But what I remember the most, was thinking, "This all looks good on paper, if there is a God. IF there is a God, I think this is what He would do, and what He would be like." He would have sent his son, Jesus Christ, to atone for my sins, make families a priority, there would be prophets on the earth, and a way to redeem those who will never hear the words "Jesus Christ" in their days on this planet. But I wasn't sure there was really a God.
I tried reading the Book of Mormon, but I read it with the attitude of a scholar, trying to keep track of where in Jerusalem everybody was and who they were related to. I became very confused, very quickly, and not liking that it didn't come naturally to me (books had always been
easy to me) I gave it up. For a long time.
When I tried to pray, I had such a hard time not feeling silly, that I got out a 5x7 depiction of the Savior, and would talk to it! I asked several times for an assurance, but I don't think I really expected one, and it didn't come. From January... to August. I went to church every week, just about, with people I hadn't known who came and gave me a ride. My step-mother couldn't understand why I had to go all the way to Farmington, when there were perfectly good churches just up the road!
Finally, I went to youth conference in August. A weekend event, with faith-building games, dances, lessons, and best of all fellowshipping with people who held the same standards. It was there that I learned the Electric Slide!
One talk was given, based on the Nike sneaker's "new" motto: Just Do It. I was struck in the heart, a feeling again that I will never forget. I knew if there was a God, He would want me to be baptized into this church. If there wasn't, then it could do no harm. I needed to take a step into the dark room, and put my faith in Him. So I did.
I was baptized September 18, 1993. Of course, the story doesn't end there. I went to early morning seminary my senior year, and in the summer after graduation all my friends had moved away. When I went off to college an hour from home, the ward down there was a foreign land, and I didn't go. I sank into a deep despair, quite deep for a just turned 18 year old girl. Then, one morning as I stepped out of my apartment, I glanced up the street in the opposite direction of my classes. There were 2 men in white shirts and dress pants walking away from me, not an odd thing on a weekday morning in the downtown of a city, surrounded by banks and businesses. But I knew who they were.
"Hey Elders!" I called out, and sure enough, they turned to look. And they had the name tags I knew to mean they were indeed full time proselyting missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They came over and spoke to me, and invited me to institute (a weekly scripture study group for college age adults). At institute I met other members, and was secured a ride to church. A few short months later, I knew I was not where I belonged, I moved home to my mom's, attended my home ward, and saw a young man I had known before in a whole new light. We started to spend time together, though it was months before we would admit we were dating. We made a mistake, that turned out to be the best mistake of my life. We were married, and after a couple of years we were sealed as a family in the temple for time and all of eternity.
Marriage is not easy. Through the babies, the miscarriages, renting, buying a house, paying the bills, I've needed my faith. In this day and age, trying to cope with horrific things like school shootings, snipers in DC, drugs on the Main St of our little town of 5,000, it takes my faith to get me out of bed in the morning to try to make a difference. My dad once told me church was just a crutch, not something he needed. I've thought about that a lot through the years, and a crutch can come in very handy when you have a broken leg. The world as it is will break our hearts. It's meant to, the Plan of Salvation requires it. But when our heart is broken, and our Spirit contrite, we are able to let God into our hearts, and when that occurs, AMAZING things can happen. I once heard a beautiful poem, where the man invites the carpenter in to fix a few things. The carpenter hammers and bangs, knocks walls around and makes holes in places. When the man complains, the carpenter replies, "What you had was just a house, I am making you a mansion."
Atlanta, part 3
Things have felt absolutely insane since I got home! But, I'm making time to post a bit more, we aren't even through the first full day!
Meet Dave:
When the boys saw him they knew they had to pose for a picture! He was one of FIRST's volunteers, and when he was asked to wear something that would help him stand out in a crowd, what other choice was there but a kilt! Little did he know there would be six more kilts running around! Although I don't think anyone was in danger of mistaking one of the boys for him!
Did you know Lego was invented in Denmark?
Me neither, but I guess it was! And there was a team from Denmark, who wore these actual wooden clogs! They did a fancy little march around the area a couple of times, it sounded awesome! I asked one guy if they were comfortable to wear, and after a few minutes of trying to communicate, I got from him, "Thick socks, it's not too bad!"
It was impossible to miss the Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies, no matter where they were! There pit area was decorated, and the team all wore yellow shirts and yellow caps with ducks, many even had inflatable ducky swim toys around their waists!
The Sizars were hard to miss, too!
They were from South Korea, and also had the misfortune to stay at our hotel! They brightened my stay every morning, though. The first day, after helping a couple of them make waffles (a new thing in continental breakfasts), I saw a little boy trying to decide between Frosted Mini-Wheats and Total bran flakes! I had grabbed a Honey Nut Cheerios to take with me (not knowing what the food situation would be all day). I felt bad, and handed it to him. He gave me a strange look, so I motioned he should try one. He popped a dry one in his mouth, got the coolest look on his face, grinned, and ran to sit down with his group! From that moment on, I had about twenty friends from South Korea! They even gave me a game, involving folded paper, that I will post about another time!
But the best of all:
My boy! Here he was getting ready to do the presentation for the judges, he's an architect (albeit in a kilt!)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Q and A re: Atlanta
I had a question posed to me about the kilts, and the answer is that the boys named their team the Robo Monkey Kilts before they ever went to the southern Maine competition. One of the boys is apparently of Scottish descent, and therefore these middle-schoolers (much to my chagrin) think kilts are cool. So, the boys decided they wanted them for a distinct look at World's, and the coach went online and found them. Kilts are made from particular plaid patterns, each family or region has a plaid, and they are actually made from the "Maine Tartan" plaid. The dark blue represents the ocean, the light represents the sky, the green is for the forests, and the red (if I remember right, will check later) is for the blood of the people. The boys not only wore them for all of their competition, and the ceremonies, but they also wore them to school on the day that they did their presentation to the entire assembled student body, roughly 200 kids all in the cafeteria. Brave? Or naive?
Dustin came home a bit perturbed, saying "At least 12 or 14 people must have looked at me and said (snidely) "Nice skirt."
Mom: "What did you say?"
Dustin: "It's not a skirt, it's a KILT!"
The boys also picked up a catchy quote from the Maine tartan website, "A man in a kilt is a man and a half!"
Dustin came home a bit perturbed, saying "At least 12 or 14 people must have looked at me and said (snidely) "Nice skirt."
Mom: "What did you say?"
Dustin: "It's not a skirt, it's a KILT!"
The boys also picked up a catchy quote from the Maine tartan website, "A man in a kilt is a man and a half!"
Atlanta, part 2

Subway pictures, Dustin waiting for it to go, the escalator out, a shot of the car when we were in a tunnel!

On top left, goofy High school team, top right, kids from Singapore (they eventually would win the whole thing!), middle row team from France (the boys were impressed with them!) bottom left kids from Faroe Islands, (near Scandinavia), and of course, team Germany!

More later!
Atlanta, part 1
As tempting as it is to launch into the monstrosity that was our horrible hotel accomodations, I am practicing on focusing on the positive for you.
Dustin's Lego League team met at the Middle School at 4 am Wednesday, and drove to Portland. It was Dustin's first time flying, and with a little plea to a flight attendant, we were allowed to leave an electronic device on (my video camera). Dustin taped the whole take off, narrating a play by play to his brothers! We haven't had time to watch it yet, I hope we will get to it today! When we caught air he says, "Sweet!"
We dropped our stuff at the lousy excuse for a hotel, and then I was permitted to go with the boys to the pit, along with their coach and other chaperone, to take pictures. Walking down the street you could see all sorts of reminders of the tornado that hit the area only two weeks before, broken glass everywhere, windows on the amazing high rise buildings were boarded up or had big x's of tape across them.
Our hotel on the left, Uncle Michael's, I would learn, on the right. He was on the 50th floor. His windows were in tact.

Posing for pictures in the lobby!
Nothing like seeing 6 middle school kids walk the streets of Atlanta in kilts! Behind the Georgia Dome is the Georgia World Conference Center, made up of 3 buildings (A, B, and C, fancy huh?). 
The pit area, where each team could display their project and work on their robot was in Building B. The kids entered the dome through the player entrance, going underground. Parents had to walk from the pit area back outside across the park to the end of the dome and then enter, and walk halfway back to the seats. Took about 10 minutes! Watch your 5 minutes of set up, compete, and take down, and walk back!
This team called themselves the "Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies"! I liked their pit display the best, and they walked everywhare with yellow duscks on yellow hats, and inflatable ducky toys around their waists!
It was amazing, the area where the teams all set up. There were 81 teams from 22 countries. They had a Lego C3PO in the pits!
He was all made out of Lego, just your regular little bricks!
Well, this took about 45 minutes, and clearly during school vacation week that is the limit, so, more later!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Proud Momma Moment!
Indulge me while I boast a moment about my kids! The 3rd quarter ended late this year due to so much loss of time to snow days! But it finally ended, and the report cards came home today!
Highlights from Michael:
Everything is Satisfactory (best possible) and working independently (best possible) except 1 little thing, grammar/punctuation/capitals! His teacher's comments included "Michael may be gifted in math since he learns quickly" and "Michael is a pleasure to have in class and a good classmate to everybody." And this is the boy who asks me about once a month if he can homeschool!!!
Highlights from Brian:
Excellent grades, all As except for pesky spelling!! He has NOT inherited my great spelling gene *sigh*. Reading and Social Studies were both 98!! AMAZING!! His teacher recommended he be evaluated for GT Math, do you see a trend? Lots of excellent effort comments, I am just so proud of him!
Highlights from Dustin:
Dustin scored a 100 in math, and is currently working at an 8th grade level! His lowest grade is actually a 97, the kid does so well it's a little nauseating ;-)! Most of his teachers noted Student is motivated and a positive influence, his science teacher also added Student is working beyond expectations! Go Dustin!!
It's humbling raising kids, you know what amazing potential they have, and you just don't want to blow it!
Highlights from Michael:
Everything is Satisfactory (best possible) and working independently (best possible) except 1 little thing, grammar/punctuation/capitals! His teacher's comments included "Michael may be gifted in math since he learns quickly" and "Michael is a pleasure to have in class and a good classmate to everybody." And this is the boy who asks me about once a month if he can homeschool!!!
Highlights from Brian:
Excellent grades, all As except for pesky spelling!! He has NOT inherited my great spelling gene *sigh*. Reading and Social Studies were both 98!! AMAZING!! His teacher recommended he be evaluated for GT Math, do you see a trend? Lots of excellent effort comments, I am just so proud of him!
Highlights from Dustin:
Dustin scored a 100 in math, and is currently working at an 8th grade level! His lowest grade is actually a 97, the kid does so well it's a little nauseating ;-)! Most of his teachers noted Student is motivated and a positive influence, his science teacher also added Student is working beyond expectations! Go Dustin!!
It's humbling raising kids, you know what amazing potential they have, and you just don't want to blow it!
Fashion Fiesta (Term used loosely)
Now, never on this blog would I profess anything even remotely related to the fashion world, but I REALLY WANT A FREE FANCY BLOG HEADER DESIGNED FOR ME!!!!

So, I am entering into the realm of the Mr. Linky again, this time to discuss spring fashions. It might have been easier to just spend the money on the marvelous designer, but really, I bought some cute capris.
Shorts are not my friend. I have big calves (arguably bigger than my kids' steers *ba-dump-bump*), and shorts allow them to be seen and just look awful overall. But when I tried on these capris, knowing it will be 80 degrees or so in Georgia next week (:-)), my friend Melissa said, "Ooh, those are nice, they make you look slimmer!!"
There's another Mr. Linky thing out there that's weekly, called Fight the Frump. I don't subscribe to that, but I do wistfully think about how I will strive to exercise more when Z is in school and I can go to a gym during THE DAY!! In the mean time, I search for "LOOKING SLIMMER" without having to diet or give up soda and Burger King and really change my body.
Don't judge me.
(It wouldn't do any good and would only get you in trouble!)
So, the capris:

These are what I wore most last year. They are elastic waist, I assure you, not much looks frumpier.

These are the ones I just bought. They even have cute pockets, not that I will ever wear a shirt with them that allows the pockets to be seen! The only problem with them is they have three buttons for an enclosure. No waiting to the last minute to get to the bathroom!
The cast of characters to accompany last year's capris:
Yeah, I know, frump frump and more frump. One pair of the beige actually has a hole in it, but I still wore them. I did buy the other pair of beige to replace it, but as a stay-at-home mom, new pants are NOT my priority!
OK, on to the shirts.
My NEWer T-Shirts look like this:

This particular one is heather gray, sorry about the picture quality.
These were actually bought in the Women's section, as opposed to the men's. It's wrinkly cuz it was on the floor waiting to go to the dirty laundry. Now, I live with 5 men of varying age, Big Mama, so my things don't come out of the dirty laundry basket once they go in, even just to photograph them!!
This is my FAVORITE T-Shirt. My best friend gave it to me!

It's pink. I never wore pink before this. This is what it says, and for you non-scrapbookers, it reads "crop", not "crap", though we do crop with a lot of crap!

This is my yellow shirt that I think used to be my mom's. See the black pen dots near the buttons? Yeah, they don't wash of, it's clean, it's stained, and I wear it. People don't know it didn't just happen that day! (Shhhh, don't tell, k?)

My OLD T-shirts look like this:

Can you say, "Men's department?"
OK, and sorry, but these shoes look cuter on him, don't you think?

I also have cute little flip-flops, with little bejeweled straps, but I can't find them, and since they aren't going to be needed in Georgia, I'm not looking today. I need to buy good sandals for the trip, my good sandals are shot, but I still have five more days, what's the rush?
There you have it. Now, Big Mama, I've been monitoring your sight throughout the morning. You went from 17 participants, to 22, and now 35, and I haven't linked up yet. I can see you, sitting there, and picture you saying something to the effect of, "They LIKE me, they REALLY like me!"
You didn't really think the faithful would let you down, did you?
I'm off for a Diet Pepsi!

So, I am entering into the realm of the Mr. Linky again, this time to discuss spring fashions. It might have been easier to just spend the money on the marvelous designer, but really, I bought some cute capris.
Shorts are not my friend. I have big calves (arguably bigger than my kids' steers *ba-dump-bump*), and shorts allow them to be seen and just look awful overall. But when I tried on these capris, knowing it will be 80 degrees or so in Georgia next week (:-)), my friend Melissa said, "Ooh, those are nice, they make you look slimmer!!"
There's another Mr. Linky thing out there that's weekly, called Fight the Frump. I don't subscribe to that, but I do wistfully think about how I will strive to exercise more when Z is in school and I can go to a gym during THE DAY!! In the mean time, I search for "LOOKING SLIMMER" without having to diet or give up soda and Burger King and really change my body.
Don't judge me.
(It wouldn't do any good and would only get you in trouble!)
So, the capris:
These are what I wore most last year. They are elastic waist, I assure you, not much looks frumpier.
These are the ones I just bought. They even have cute pockets, not that I will ever wear a shirt with them that allows the pockets to be seen! The only problem with them is they have three buttons for an enclosure. No waiting to the last minute to get to the bathroom!
The cast of characters to accompany last year's capris:
Yeah, I know, frump frump and more frump. One pair of the beige actually has a hole in it, but I still wore them. I did buy the other pair of beige to replace it, but as a stay-at-home mom, new pants are NOT my priority!
OK, on to the shirts.
My NEWer T-Shirts look like this:
This particular one is heather gray, sorry about the picture quality.
These were actually bought in the Women's section, as opposed to the men's. It's wrinkly cuz it was on the floor waiting to go to the dirty laundry. Now, I live with 5 men of varying age, Big Mama, so my things don't come out of the dirty laundry basket once they go in, even just to photograph them!!
This is my FAVORITE T-Shirt. My best friend gave it to me!
It's pink. I never wore pink before this. This is what it says, and for you non-scrapbookers, it reads "crop", not "crap", though we do crop with a lot of crap!
This is my yellow shirt that I think used to be my mom's. See the black pen dots near the buttons? Yeah, they don't wash of, it's clean, it's stained, and I wear it. People don't know it didn't just happen that day! (Shhhh, don't tell, k?)
My OLD T-shirts look like this:
Can you say, "Men's department?"
OK, and sorry, but these shoes look cuter on him, don't you think?
I also have cute little flip-flops, with little bejeweled straps, but I can't find them, and since they aren't going to be needed in Georgia, I'm not looking today. I need to buy good sandals for the trip, my good sandals are shot, but I still have five more days, what's the rush?
There you have it. Now, Big Mama, I've been monitoring your sight throughout the morning. You went from 17 participants, to 22, and now 35, and I haven't linked up yet. I can see you, sitting there, and picture you saying something to the effect of, "They LIKE me, they REALLY like me!"
You didn't really think the faithful would let you down, did you?
I'm off for a Diet Pepsi!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Nail on the Head, people, Nail on the Head
You Are Clogs |
![]() You are a solid and down to earth person. You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life. You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm. You are the perfect mesh of contradictions. No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life. People know that they can truly depend on you. You should live: In Europe You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world |
Hannaford's Hardest Worker...
Our elementary school has a partnership with our local Hannaford grocery store that is absolutely fantastic. Fourth graders every year are introduced to the different job positions by the managers, then choose the three most preferred they would like. Weeks are spent writing resumes and letters of introduction, and then they dress up and are interviewed by the managers at the school. Each child is assigned a job (grocer, bakery, manager, assistant manager, cashier, etc.), and then the classroom of kids is bussed to the store. They are given a tour, and then introduced to the employee who does the same job they were "hired" for, so they can job shadow them!
It introduces not only the real life skills of looking for a job and putting your best foot forward, but also how the store works, things normally behind the scenes become understood (someone actually spreads the garlic butter onto that loaf of bread!!).
Brian was hoping for manager, but got a better job I think! He was in the grocery department, he learned "blocking the shelves", where you bring things to the front so they are easier to buy, and he restocked the milk, among many other things!
The "Boss" Handing Out Warm Gloves
Mom Getting All Artsy!
With all the bad press the corporation is receiving (and yes, I had 4 numbers stolen, and one was used illegally!!) our local store is still a great place, full of great people!
I would be seriously remiss if I did not thank Nicki for coming with her camera to take pictures! Silly me thought a trip to Lewiston to run a couple of errands with Melissa wouldn't take too long, and I'd be back in plenty of time! I forgot that nothing in Melissa's life ever runs in a reasonable amount of time, especially things dealing with Savannah's cancer (her one errand was to get the drugs S is on, which didn't happen due to pharmacy incompetence). I made it back in time, yes, but the pressure was off a bit with Nicki there, ready with her empty memory card and full batteries!
And thanks to Sheila, too, for watching Nicki's children so she could get there quickly and focus on the pictures! True friends!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
This post is for Kathy (Joy) B.
I've been dreadfully ill this weekend with a sinus infection, which Z is showing the early symptoms of having caught. I read a post on a blog last Thursday, and wanted to write about it here, but was out all day and then fell too ill to do more than was absolutely necessary. So now, here it is:
It's a strange, strange thing, this internet. By opening a blog some time ago, I invited myself into a whole new world. Oh yes, I brought a few friends along with me, and we have learned together how to cross things out, upload pictures, even got a video to work once.
But then something happened. I started looking to see who else was out in the blogosphere. I found some really funny women, some angry women, women with many children, women with none, and even the occasional man. Some I took one look and passed them by, not really liking what I saw. Others seemed ok, but not really worth the time, when I suspected better was out there. So amazing is this internet, that even our church leaders have spoken of it in a world-wide convention, encouraging us to use it in a manner that would please the Lord.
I wept Thursday morning. I wept openly, and unabashedly, alone at my computer. I wept for a woman I have never met, and for whom I probably never will. I did not know she existed two months ago, but when I found her, of all places on this internet, I knew she was someone I would like. I told her that first day that I read her thoughts on line that I didn't know what it was that I liked about her blog, but the word peaceful kept coming to mind, and there just isn't enough peace in my life, so I would be back.
And I have, I've been back, to look at beautiful photos of flowers, old buildings, ancestors who are not my own. Things that I long to make the time for, but know it is not the right season of my life. But I have rejoiced in the beauty that this wonderful woman, this woman I have not met, sees, and desires to share with the world. And she has been to my blog, and given me words of encouragement and peace, words that I treasure.
I knew she had cancer. I reminded myself of that Thursday morning, and even went back to read the page that had told me early on she was ill. But for someone so far away, who doesn't talk about it online much, and doesn't have numerous photos of herself showing frailty and hair loss, it was easy to forget. I should have remembered, anyone so good at stopping to look at life had a clear understanding of it's value, something usually only gained through loss.
I shrunk for a moment. I am embarrassed to tell you that. But I was so tired, physically, and also emotionally. There just seems to be so much loss, it has been a very hard winter. But it only lasted a moment. Then, I went on to consider how truly refined in the fire of trial this elect daughter of God is. To be such a strong, and spiritual person that it could come through in a mere introduction read on a computer screen, must truly be one of the Lord's chosen.
I am grateful to those who step forward, and testify of their faith. I am grateful to those who share the good, and also the bad. I am thankful for a heart that is open, and can still be touched, in spite of numerous, and ongoing hurts. But mostly I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, who awaits our return with open arms, and for our Lord and Savior, even Jesus Christ, who atoned for our sins and made it possible.
I am grateful, even in this small way, to have known Kathy.
It's a strange, strange thing, this internet. By opening a blog some time ago, I invited myself into a whole new world. Oh yes, I brought a few friends along with me, and we have learned together how to cross things out, upload pictures, even got a video to work once.
But then something happened. I started looking to see who else was out in the blogosphere. I found some really funny women, some angry women, women with many children, women with none, and even the occasional man. Some I took one look and passed them by, not really liking what I saw. Others seemed ok, but not really worth the time, when I suspected better was out there. So amazing is this internet, that even our church leaders have spoken of it in a world-wide convention, encouraging us to use it in a manner that would please the Lord.
I wept Thursday morning. I wept openly, and unabashedly, alone at my computer. I wept for a woman I have never met, and for whom I probably never will. I did not know she existed two months ago, but when I found her, of all places on this internet, I knew she was someone I would like. I told her that first day that I read her thoughts on line that I didn't know what it was that I liked about her blog, but the word peaceful kept coming to mind, and there just isn't enough peace in my life, so I would be back.
And I have, I've been back, to look at beautiful photos of flowers, old buildings, ancestors who are not my own. Things that I long to make the time for, but know it is not the right season of my life. But I have rejoiced in the beauty that this wonderful woman, this woman I have not met, sees, and desires to share with the world. And she has been to my blog, and given me words of encouragement and peace, words that I treasure.
I knew she had cancer. I reminded myself of that Thursday morning, and even went back to read the page that had told me early on she was ill. But for someone so far away, who doesn't talk about it online much, and doesn't have numerous photos of herself showing frailty and hair loss, it was easy to forget. I should have remembered, anyone so good at stopping to look at life had a clear understanding of it's value, something usually only gained through loss.
I shrunk for a moment. I am embarrassed to tell you that. But I was so tired, physically, and also emotionally. There just seems to be so much loss, it has been a very hard winter. But it only lasted a moment. Then, I went on to consider how truly refined in the fire of trial this elect daughter of God is. To be such a strong, and spiritual person that it could come through in a mere introduction read on a computer screen, must truly be one of the Lord's chosen.
I am grateful to those who step forward, and testify of their faith. I am grateful to those who share the good, and also the bad. I am thankful for a heart that is open, and can still be touched, in spite of numerous, and ongoing hurts. But mostly I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, who awaits our return with open arms, and for our Lord and Savior, even Jesus Christ, who atoned for our sins and made it possible.
I am grateful, even in this small way, to have known Kathy.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Someday, I'll work on my timing...
My son's Lego League is flying to Atlanta in two weeks. When I went in to tuck him in (poor things, I'll probably still tuck them in when they come home from college), he said, "I can't wait 'til tomorrow, because it's one day closer to when we leave."
What was my witty comeback?
"Stop sleeping on top of your quilt, sheets are there for a reason, you will ruin your quilt if you lay right on it all the time."
Mom of the Year, anyone?
OK, OK, I'm going to apologize.
What was my witty comeback?
"Stop sleeping on top of your quilt, sheets are there for a reason, you will ruin your quilt if you lay right on it all the time."
Mom of the Year, anyone?
OK, OK, I'm going to apologize.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Post 100
Well, in a bloggy tradition, I will tell you 100 things about myself. I want to preface it though, because I haven't blogged the last few days with this darn tradition looming in front of me. Frankly, I couldn't have come up with anything nice to say, so I said nothing at all. I think I am better now. And, well, I started my list awhile back, because like I could ever do 100 things about little old me in one shot without throwing up!
1. I like pictures.
2. I like to take them, and look at ones other people took.
3. I like to scrapbook.
4. I grew up in Maine and lived here my whole life.
5. I have a love and affection for Maine that can only be described as “It’s in my blood.”
6. I like to travel.
7. The best part is coming home.
8. The Grand Canyon was not impressive.
9. Texas sunsets and steak were.
10. I’m married to the perfect man.
11. Just ask everyone else.
12. I have four great kids.
13. Just don’t tell them.
14. At least, not too often.
15. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
16. It’s hard, because to whom much is given, much is required.
17. I don’t like fire trucks.
18. I do love my firefighter.
19. I don’t like steers.
20. Or being outside.
21. I go to probably ten fairs to watch steers every year.
22. Because I like my kids.
23. And they show steers at fairs every year.
24. I have a very, very, very, very good best friend of 16 years.
25. I’ve known her longer than my husband.
26. Some days I like her better than my husband.
27. But if I had to be stranded on a desert island I would rather be stranded with him.
28. He’s very resourceful.
29. I have a second best friend now.
30. I’ve never had 2 best friends before.
31. I can never remember how old I am.
32. I once lost two years in less than a minute.
33. That stunk.
34. I don’t like baseball.
35. Or basketball.
36. I do like soccer.
37. And I’m learning to like NASCAR.
38. I like Fords.
39. I don’t think I could ever own a foreign named car.
40. I worry that my granddad would roll in his grave if I did.
41. I miss my granddad.
42. His teachings are why I am a democrat.
43. I like Diet Pepsi.
44. I’m a DP snob, fountain please, from Cumberland Farms if possible.
45. I'm a picky eater. Bill is too, so we make our kids eat everything we eat so they won't be worse than us!!
46. I like swimming. Especially in a pool.
47. I wish I owned a pool.
48. I’m a fairly good mom.
49. My kids say I am, that’s a good measure, right?
50. I tell each of my boys that they are one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world.
51. I tell my husband he’s my favorite.
52. He really is.
53. I like to read, but don’t take the time to.
54. I think that’s why I read blogs.
55. I tend to be anti-social.
56. I’m working on that.
57. I sleep with a fan at night, even in winter, for the noise.
58. I can’t stand the texture of corduroy, even on someone else, like other people’s children.
59. I love my parents. They are divorced, but I still love them.
60. I volunteer for things by nature.
61. I’m learning not to volunteer for things I don’t have time for.
62. I’ve only had three months of college.
63. They were the worst three months of my life. I was 17.
64. I’ll go back someday, when I figure out what I want from life.
65. Or at least, what I want from college.
66. I’m a worrier. And a firm believer in Murphy’s Law.
67. I can be a bit dramatic. Sometimes.
68. I have an over-developed self-awareness.
69. I highly value my sleep.
70. I think sometimes I make sacrifices so I can whine I sacrificed.
71. I have a very addicting personality.
72. That’s why I don’t drink.
73. And why I can play Sudoku online for HOURS!!
74. At
75. I have low self-esteem.
76. But, thanks to my family and friends, a high self-worth.
77. I really really really really really wish I had a laptop.
78. I’ve been stuck doing our household finances for years.
79. I’m never going to get a laptop.
80. I hate dealing with women who can’t get along.
81. I serve in our women’s leadership at church, talk about an oxy-moron.
82. I know the Lord has a sense of humor.
83. I think cancer sucks. It’s mean and nasty.
84. I love to listen to music.
85. Especially U2, Billy Joel, and Sawyer Brown.
86. I make excuses in my head for other people who do things wrong.
87. It helps me cope with their bad choices.
88. I hate to potty train children.
89. I might cry when I get my last baby potty trained.
90. I’ve never cried about sending my child to a first day of school.
91. But I might when it’s my last baby.
92. And then I’m going to throw a party!
93. Because while I refuse to wish for them to grow faster, I hope life will be easier without a child in tow from 9 to 2.
94. And I made my husband promise me I don’t have to get a paying job.
95. Unless I get bored. HAH!
96. I hate to clean floors.
97. I learned a few years ago that clean floors are the easiest way to make the whole house look better. Figures.
98. I have a peculiar sense of humor.
99. I’m really, really blunt. I have to struggle to be tactful.
100. I don’t try to very often.
There, that's it!! I did it!! YAY for me!
Now I need a drink.
Fountain soda Diet Pepsi from Cumby's sound good? Maybe I'll see you there!
1. I like pictures.
2. I like to take them, and look at ones other people took.
3. I like to scrapbook.
4. I grew up in Maine and lived here my whole life.
5. I have a love and affection for Maine that can only be described as “It’s in my blood.”
6. I like to travel.
7. The best part is coming home.
8. The Grand Canyon was not impressive.
9. Texas sunsets and steak were.
10. I’m married to the perfect man.
11. Just ask everyone else.
12. I have four great kids.
13. Just don’t tell them.
14. At least, not too often.
15. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
16. It’s hard, because to whom much is given, much is required.
17. I don’t like fire trucks.
18. I do love my firefighter.
19. I don’t like steers.
20. Or being outside.
21. I go to probably ten fairs to watch steers every year.
22. Because I like my kids.
23. And they show steers at fairs every year.
24. I have a very, very, very, very good best friend of 16 years.
25. I’ve known her longer than my husband.
26. Some days I like her better than my husband.
27. But if I had to be stranded on a desert island I would rather be stranded with him.
28. He’s very resourceful.
29. I have a second best friend now.
30. I’ve never had 2 best friends before.
31. I can never remember how old I am.
32. I once lost two years in less than a minute.
33. That stunk.
34. I don’t like baseball.
35. Or basketball.
36. I do like soccer.
37. And I’m learning to like NASCAR.
38. I like Fords.
39. I don’t think I could ever own a foreign named car.
40. I worry that my granddad would roll in his grave if I did.
41. I miss my granddad.
42. His teachings are why I am a democrat.
43. I like Diet Pepsi.
44. I’m a DP snob, fountain please, from Cumberland Farms if possible.
45. I'm a picky eater. Bill is too, so we make our kids eat everything we eat so they won't be worse than us!!
46. I like swimming. Especially in a pool.
47. I wish I owned a pool.
48. I’m a fairly good mom.
49. My kids say I am, that’s a good measure, right?
50. I tell each of my boys that they are one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world.
51. I tell my husband he’s my favorite.
52. He really is.
53. I like to read, but don’t take the time to.
54. I think that’s why I read blogs.
55. I tend to be anti-social.
56. I’m working on that.
57. I sleep with a fan at night, even in winter, for the noise.
58. I can’t stand the texture of corduroy, even on someone else, like other people’s children.
59. I love my parents. They are divorced, but I still love them.
60. I volunteer for things by nature.
61. I’m learning not to volunteer for things I don’t have time for.
62. I’ve only had three months of college.
63. They were the worst three months of my life. I was 17.
64. I’ll go back someday, when I figure out what I want from life.
65. Or at least, what I want from college.
66. I’m a worrier. And a firm believer in Murphy’s Law.
67. I can be a bit dramatic. Sometimes.
68. I have an over-developed self-awareness.
69. I highly value my sleep.
70. I think sometimes I make sacrifices so I can whine I sacrificed.
71. I have a very addicting personality.
72. That’s why I don’t drink.
73. And why I can play Sudoku online for HOURS!!
74. At
75. I have low self-esteem.
76. But, thanks to my family and friends, a high self-worth.
77. I really really really really really wish I had a laptop.
78. I’ve been stuck doing our household finances for years.
79. I’m never going to get a laptop.
80. I hate dealing with women who can’t get along.
81. I serve in our women’s leadership at church, talk about an oxy-moron.
82. I know the Lord has a sense of humor.
83. I think cancer sucks. It’s mean and nasty.
84. I love to listen to music.
85. Especially U2, Billy Joel, and Sawyer Brown.
86. I make excuses in my head for other people who do things wrong.
87. It helps me cope with their bad choices.
88. I hate to potty train children.
89. I might cry when I get my last baby potty trained.
90. I’ve never cried about sending my child to a first day of school.
91. But I might when it’s my last baby.
92. And then I’m going to throw a party!
93. Because while I refuse to wish for them to grow faster, I hope life will be easier without a child in tow from 9 to 2.
94. And I made my husband promise me I don’t have to get a paying job.
95. Unless I get bored. HAH!
96. I hate to clean floors.
97. I learned a few years ago that clean floors are the easiest way to make the whole house look better. Figures.
98. I have a peculiar sense of humor.
99. I’m really, really blunt. I have to struggle to be tactful.
100. I don’t try to very often.
There, that's it!! I did it!! YAY for me!
Now I need a drink.
Fountain soda Diet Pepsi from Cumby's sound good? Maybe I'll see you there!
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